Loan AMOUNT (UP TO): $400,000DETAILS:Your Southwest North Dakota resource to support business, build resilient communities, increase economic diversity, and create and retain jobs.Use of FundsBusiness start-ups, expansions, acquisitions, construction, and...
GRANT AMOUNT (UP TO): $250,000DETAILS:The goals of the Impact Fund are to increase economic diversity, build resilient communities, enhance quality of life, and create and retain jobs in North Dakota Region 2.ELIGIBILITY:The target lending area is North Dakota Region...
LOAN AMOUNT (UP TO): $100,000DETAILS:The North Dakota Development Fund is authorized to provide financial assistance to new and expanding childcare providers through the Childcare Loan Program.ELIGIBILITY:Any Licensed Childcare ProviderLicensed profit, nonprofit and...
GRANT AMOUNT (UP TO):$122,500DETAILS:This grant program is available for the construction of new buildings for new or existing businesses. The Carrington Economic Development made this incentive to encourage business growth in our community.ELIGIBILITY:The Business...
LOAN AMOUNT (UP TO):$300,000DETAILS:Provides financing with interest buydown through a participation loan between a lead bank, Bank of ND, and a community fund. The community in which the business is located will determine if the objectives of the business meet the...