Women-Owned Small Business Federal Certification
Getting federally certified makes a business eligible to compete for federal contract set asides. Learn how NDWBC’s business coaches can support you through the process of the federal women-owned certification.

Federal certification offers women business owners an equitable platform for competition. Administered by the SBA, this certification exclusively pertains to sole-source contracts and set-asides designated for women business owners. As a valuable resource to women business owners, NDWBC provides skilled business coaches who can guide you through the intricacies of this certification process.
Learn About the Federal Certification
All federal certification applications are processed and approved by the SBA. There have been recent changes to the federal certification program. NDWBC staff is currently working with partners at the SBA and North Dakota APEX Accelerator to provide the most up-to-date information as it evolves. Check out our quick guide for more information or apply below.