Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvement (RES/EEI) Grants




The program provides guaranteed loan financing and grant funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements. Agricultural producers may also apply for new energy efficient equipment and new system loans for agricultural production and processing.


Who may apply for this program?

  • Agricultural producers with at least 50 percent of their gross income coming from agricultural operations.
  • Small businesses in eligible rural areas.
  • NOTE: Agricultural producers and small businesses must have NO outstanding delinquent federal taxes, debt, judgment or debarment.

Who may qualify for loan guarantees?
Eligible borrowers are:

  • Rural small businesses.
  • Agricultural producers.

What are the borrowing restrictions for loan guarantees?

  • Individual borrowers must be citizens of the United States or reside in the U.S. after being legally admitted for permanent residence.
  • Private-entity borrowers must demonstrate that loan funds will remain in the U.S.

What is an eligible area?

  • Businesses must be located in rural areas with populations of 50,000 residents or less.
  • Check eligible business addresses.
  • Agricultural producers may be in rural or non-rural areas.


  • The Agency is accepting applications again starting October 1, 2024. Competition dates will be published in a Notice of Funding Opportunity and the link to the Federal Register document will be posted on the program website once it publishes. Please check back frequently for updates.

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Posted on

October 26, 2023